We Are All Called to Be Counselors Jay Adams launched the modern biblical counseling movement by quoting Romans 15:14, which states, “I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that […]
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Tag: encouragement
Caroline’s New Book: When Words Matter Most
I am very excited that my wife, best friend, and favorite counselor, Caroline Newheiser, has co-authored her first book, along with our dear friend Cheryl Marshall, to be published by […]
Be Slow to Speak
Concern about civility in public discourse has been a major topic during the recent presidential contest. I chose to watch one of the Republican debates and was shocked to hear […]
Caring Words or Crushing Words? Helping People Speak Wisely and Graciously
People often do not realize the weight of their words, and careless words have crushed many souls. This workshop will examine biblical categories of caring speech, and how we can […]
Keys to Preserving and Strengthening Your Marriage
Marriage requires lifelong maintenance to keep it healthy and strong. It takes a lot of effort to guard and grow your marriage but the reward is more than worth it. […]