Jim’s Posts
Three Reminders for Parents of Wayward Children
In an era when many are choosing not to have children, believers stand out as those who choose to fulfill the creation mandate to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28). When many see children as expensive inconveniences, we regard our children to be a blessing from God (Ps. 127). We have high hopes for our children. Even before we were married, Caroline and I...
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Counseling Men Accused of Abuse
How should we wisely counsel a person who has been accused of abuse? It has been recognized that domestic abuse is a widespread problem among professing Christians and that churches and counselors have often failed to do an adequate job of protecting victims and holding perpetrators accountable. Much good material has been developed in recent years to help us recognize patterns of sinful oppression...
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The Use of Biblical Counseling Cards
When I first started biblical counseling over forty years ago, the common practice was to assign books for counselees to read as homework. Sadly, we often would have counselees come back the following week without having read a single page. As our movement grew, various series of mini-books were published on various counseling topics. We passed these out with great expectations that they would...
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Parenting in an LGBTQ Culture
For many Christian parents, their worst nightmare is that their child (or grandchild) will come out as homosexual or transgender. Phillip, a fourteen-year-old boy, told his parents that he believes that he is a girl in a boy’s body. Amy, a thirty-one-year-old pastor’s daughter, announced to her family that she is transitioning to become a man and that if they want a relationship with...
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Balancing the Billy Graham Rule
It is well known that from the earliest days of their ministry together, Billy Graham and his team made a rule not to be alone with a woman to whom they were not married—for example, in a car or in a restaurant. This rule was both to maintain their purity and their reputation. Just as in our day, they were aware of many Christian...
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Balancing the Billy Graham Rule
It is well known that from the earliest days of their ministry together, Billy Graham and his team made a rule not to be alone with a woman to whom they were not married—for example, in a car or in a restaurant. This rule was both to maintain their purity and their reputation. Just as in our day, they were aware of many Christian...
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New Book: The Abuse Pendulum
In the early days of my biblical counseling experience (nearly 40 years ago) concern for protecting marriage sometimes kept us from doing enough to protect spouses (usually women) who were being oppressed. I firmly believe that abuse remains a significant problem, even among professing Christians, and that churches and counselors need to prioritize safety of victims of abuse. I also am concerned that in...
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Who Is Competent to Counsel?
We Are All Called to Be Counselors Jay Adams launched the modern biblical counseling movement by quoting Romans 15:14, which states, “I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another.” He reminds us that this was written not only to the leaders in the Roman church, but to...
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Hebrews 11 and Cancel Culture
We all have become familiar with cancel culture in the media, entertainment, and academia. People who take unpopular positions are banished from social media and school campuses. Speakers who are deemed to be on the wrong side are shouted down. Heroes from the past are not spared as their statues are torn down and their names removed from buildings named in their honor because...
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The Abuse Pendulum, Part 4: Can Sexual Consent take Place when there is a Power Differential? (Revised)
Introduction – Shameful abuses of power1 There have been many highly publicized cases of powerful people (usually men) who have pressured subordinates into inappropriate sexual relationships. The heinousness of those who used their position of trust and power to gratify their own lusts has rightly been exposed and deplored. The Lord’s sheep must be protected from such wolves who have permanently disqualified themselves from...
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