Heath: Our guests this week are Jim and Caroline Newheiser. They are counselors certified with ACBC. Jim is actually a fellow with ACBC and is a board member and he […]
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Tag: peace
Caring Words or Crushing Words? Helping People Speak Wisely and Graciously
People often do not realize the weight of their words, and careless words have crushed many souls. This workshop will examine biblical categories of caring speech, and how we can […]
Humbly Pursuing Peace
God calls us to peace with others, but in this life it is impossible to completely avoid conflict. This session will examine how to understand conflict from a biblical perspective […]
Pursuing Peace by Gently Restoring Others
Sometimes to live at peace with others we must confront them about their sin. This session will discuss how to determine if a sin must be confronted and how to […]
Pursuing Peace by Forgiving Others
Forgiveness can be very hard, particularly when someone has hurt us very much. This session will examine how for Christians, meditating on the way Christ has forgiven them all of […]