Parents of prodigals spend many agonizing hours asking themselves, “Why did my child rebel? Is it because I was a bad parent? Is it because my child got in with […]
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Author: Jim Newheiser
Truth in Love Podcast, Episode 292: A Kind Critique of the Five Love Languages
Dale Johnson interviewed me on Gary Chapman’s highly popular The 5 Love Languages, in which I give a “Kind Critique”.
Lessons Learned from a Fallen Pastor
Introduction (by Jim Newheiser) Recently, the BCC presented a blog about “Helping Adult Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse,” authored by Caroline Newheiser along with an anonymous victim. A fallen pastor […]
Finally Free: An Online Conference to Fight Pornography
“The Word of God is powerful, it’s perfect, it’s wise, and it’s sufficient. As we live in a world that corrupts the gifts of God, we need to remind ourself […]
A Health Crisis, a Financial Crisis, and a Spiritual Crisis
For the past several months, the attention of the world has been focused upon the health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, in which tens of millions of people have been […]
A Phased Reopening of a Formerly Abusive Marriage
During the COVID crisis, restrictions have been put in place which have sometimes kept people apart for the purpose of safety. For counseling cases in which there has been marital […]
The Battleship of Abuse
Do you remember playing the game Battleship when you were a kid? You would try to discover where your opponent had stationed his ships on a grid representing the ocean […]
3 Lessons from David’s Fall and Forgiveness
As we face our sin, we have to navigate between two unbiblical ditches. One is despairing that our sin is beyond forgiveness. The other is carelessly thinking we can violate […]
Book Review of You Never Stop Being a Parent, by Michael Mock
I coauthored You Never Stop Being a Parent with Elyse Fitzpatrick in 2010. The book comes from personal experience and helps those who want to know how to parent adult […]
What Does the Bible Say About Divorce and Remarriage?
James Newheiser, Jr. answers the question, “What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?” He addresses: Biblical grounds for divorce (:40) Unfaithfulness, repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation (1:24) Abandonment and […]