Sadly, I have been witness to a discouraging pattern in local churches as they handle cases involving abuse. It begins as church leaders are made aware of a situation in […]
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Author: Jim Newheiser
Stop Biting and Devouring Each Other!
A friend of mine once said that it is easy to overlook an injustice until it is our ox that gets gored. This is especially true when it comes to one of the more respectable sins like gossip. When the victim is someone with whom we are not close, we are either unconcerned spectators or …
Helping Churches to do a Better Job Handling Cases of Abuse
Sadly, I have been witness to a discouraging pattern in local churches as they handle cases involving abuse. It begins as church leaders are made aware of a situation in which a husband is acting abusively towards his wife, and it has been going on for quite some time. The abuse may include any or …
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Addicted to Food (and/or Exercise)
While some people turn to drugs and alcohol to get high or to relieve stress, many turn to food which can be just as dangerous an idol as substance abuse. Other people are addicted to fitness to the extent that it becomes harmful to their lives and relationships. How can we overcome temptation to make an idol out of our food and our bodies?
Overcoming Abusive Speech
The Bible teaches that words can be as destructive (or abusive) as fists. Every time we open our mouths we are either promoting God’s kingdom by building others up or we are extending the realm of the Evil One by tearing others down. How can our sinful tongues be tamed?
Helping People Come to the God who Satisfies
All addicts are seeking a satisfaction in something that will never truly satisfy them. In this session Dr. Jim Newheiser will discuss the need to lead addicts to the God who satisfies.
Do You Keep Your Commitments – Even When It Hurts? – Part 2
When I was a new believer a dear mentor who had great influence on my life made me aware of Psalm 15:4 which proclaims that the righteous man “swears to his own hurt and does not change.” My friend taught me that there will be times in life when one might regret making a commitment, but that it is necessary to keep one’s word. Or as we read elsewhere in Scripture, “Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’” (James 5:12 Matthew 5:37).
Why I wrote Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers
I am very thankful and excited that P&R has published my new book, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers. I loved writing this particular book for at least […]
Wisdom Wednesday: “How Can I Overcome My Anger?”
Be Slow To Speak – Part 2
In some ways counseling is more difficult than preaching in that the preacher can prepare extensively for his sermon and can control the direction the sermon takes. The counselor may seek to prepare for a session but doesn’t have control over the direction the meeting may take. The counselee may raise a new issue or may be facing a sudden (and unrelated) crisis for which immediate help is required. The counselor must be able to offer answers from God’s Word, which means that he or she must know the Scriptures very well.