Concern about civility in public discourse has been a major topic during the recent presidential contest. I chose to watch one of the Republican debates and was shocked to hear […]
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Category: Counseling
Do You Keep Your Commitments – Even When It Hurts? – Part 1
The righteous man “swears to his own hurt and does not change,” according to Psalm 15:4. A dear mentor first made me aware of this verse when I was a […]
3 Uses of the Law and Implications for Parenting
Reformed theologians have spoken of the three uses of God’s law: 1. The Civil Use: God’s law written on man’s heart (Romans 1-2) through common grace restrains sin and evil […]
7 Gospel-Centered Principles for Protecting Your Marriage
A Word from Your BCC Team: The following post is from a presentation that Dr. Newheiser gave at IBCD’s Spring Conference. You can listen to the audio here. What Must […]
Learning from King David's Failure
We were shocked last week when we heard that Charles had been caught in a pattern of adultery and deceit and had been removed from office. How could such a thing happen to a man who seemed to have it all together, who had successfully passed through the temptations of his younger years, who seemed to have everything a minister could want? Does this mean that his entire ministry had been a lie? Are the books, articles and tapes he produced worthless? Or did something happen to take a man who had been qualified and used of God and ruin him?
8 Ways Biblical Counseling Centers Can Reinforce the Local Church
A Word from Your BCC Team: You’re reading the second of a four-part BCC Grace & Truth blog mini-series on equipping biblical counselors in the local church. Today, Jim Newheiser […]
Down from the Mountaintop on Monday
When I was a new Christian in high school our youth group would have weekend retreats at which we would receive wonderful teaching and enjoy incredible fellowship. It was like […]
BCC Weekend Resource: Counseling After a Suicide
BCC Staff Note: On weekends we like to highlight for you one of our growing list of free resources. This weekend we highlight a resource audio from the 2014 IBCD […]
5 Ways Training in Biblical Counseling Changes Our Lives
I have been counseling from Scripture for over thirty years and have been ACBC (NANC) certified for twenty years. For the past several years, I have been the director of […]
Helping People with a Difficult Financial Past
How do we counsel people who can’t make ends meet, have lost their jobs, or are overwhelmed with debt? This session will seek to answer some of the most common […]