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CDC2-27. From Idol to Blessing 1

CDC2-27. From Idol to Blessing 1

God created sex to be a blessing. It is part of God’s perfect and holy creation but is often twisted sinfully. Idolatry, more than adultery, is the key to understanding sexual sin. Even something which is good can become sinfully idolatrous when we desire it more than we desire God, are willing to sin in order to get it, or react sinfully when we don’t get what we want.

CDC2-25. Solving Marriage Problems: Conflict Resolution and Communication

CDC2-25. Solving Marriage Problems: Conflict Resolution and Communication

Every family experiences communication breakdown. The key to our relationships with each other is our relationship with God (and vice versa). We need to grant forgiveness when we have been wronged. We need to learn to listen in love. Are we more concerned about being heard, or hearing?

CDC Legacy 2-24. How to Change Your Wife

CDC Legacy 2-24. How to Change Your Wife

Christian men are called to love their wives unconditionally, as Chris loves the church. Christlike love is not merely a feeling. It is a commitment. Christ’s love is demonstrated on the Cross. What should a husband do if his wife is hard to love? What should he do if he doesn’t have loving feelings towards his wife?

CDC1-20. Understanding the Influences of Nature and Nurture

CDC1-20. Understanding the Influences of Nature and Nurture

To what extent does our body (nature) and relationships (nurture) affect our hearts? We are embodied creatures. However, both our inner and outer person have been affected by the fall. While we reject both genetic determinism and social determinism, we recognize that the Bible teaches that both body and social environment influence the inner person.