One of the greatest privileges of my life is the weekly opportunity I have to preach consecutively through the Scriptures from the pulpit of our church. In addition to the […]
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Category: Counseling
Why I Don’t Want or Need a License to Counsel
BCC Staff Note: The following post by Dr. Jim Newheiser is the first article in a several-part series that addresses whether biblical counselors should consider state licensure. As a coalition, […]
Humbly Pursuing Peace
God calls us to peace with others, but in this life it is impossible to completely avoid conflict. This session will examine how to understand conflict from a biblical perspective […]
Pursuing Peace by Gently Restoring Others
Sometimes to live at peace with others we must confront them about their sin. This session will discuss how to determine if a sin must be confronted and how to […]
Pursuing Peace by Forgiving Others
Forgiveness can be very hard, particularly when someone has hurt us very much. This session will examine how for Christians, meditating on the way Christ has forgiven them all of […]
The Ministry of the IBCD
BCC Staff Note: Part of the BCC vision is to be a “megaphone” for biblical counseling ministries. In this weekend’s post, we have asked Jim Newheiser to tell us more […]
The Pain of Porn
Our sex-saturated culture has taken sexuality from a blessing given by God and made it into an idol to be worshipped and distorted. This workshop will examine the rampant destruction […]
The Divine Design of Marriage
Marriage is a stage designed to show forth the realities of the gospel. This seminar will set forth the biblical vision of marriage and give practical counsel of how we […]
Keys to Preserving and Strengthening Your Marriage
Marriage requires lifelong maintenance to keep it healthy and strong. It takes a lot of effort to guard and grow your marriage but the reward is more than worth it. […]
Transforming Grace in Marriage Roles, Part 1
The gospel of grace needs to be at the heart of how we understand marriage roles. Both husband and wife have a unique part to play that shows forth the […]