The Hebrews were not the only ones in the ancient world who appreciated and collected wise sayings. Israel’s neighboring nations also obtained knowledge and valued wisdom in a certain sense. […]
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Tag: ibcd
Jim and Caroline on IBCD’s Ask the Counselor
Tribute to George Scipione
I thank God for the life of George Scipione. He was my professor of counseling in seminary in 1987 and then my mentor as we worked together at IBCD, formerly […]
How a Biblical Counseling Center Reinforces the Importance of the Local Church
IBCD is a regional counseling training center. While our primary purpose is to equip church leaders to disciple and counsel, we also offer counseling for professing Christians in our area. […]
Protecting Your Church from Sexual Predators
Sexual predators often look upon churches as soft targets for their evil acts. This workshop teaches church leaders and parents the need to implement proven policies and practices that will help keep our children safe.
Bringing Healing to Marriages Broken by Sexual Sin
Sexual sin has a devastating impact on a marriage, but the gospel offers hope. This session showcases how God works through His Word and His Spirit to change hearts empowering repentance, forgiveness and transformation.
How Grace Empowers Us to Overcome Sexual Idolatry
Disordered sexual desires are ultimately a problem of worship. We seek ultimate satisfaction from earthly things, which become our idols. This session shows how the gospel forgives our idolatries and adulteries and transforms us into worshipers whose greatest delight is in God.
Audio note: Due to some technical difficulties the first 20 minutes of this audio recording is poor quality. We are looking into ways make this content available with a better quality recording.
Anger Mismanagement
Anger is a problem both in the world and in the church. It is both deceptive and dangerous because for the angry person all anger feels righteous. This session explores the nature of righteous versus unrighteous anger and discusses the gospel truths that address the angry heart.
Gluttony Diet Fitness And Body Idolatry
Food and fitness idolatry are big issues in our culture. How can those stuck in sinful patterns change? This session discusses the unique change that is sought by Christians as they make it their aim not to please or impress people but to glorify God in their body.
How Union with Christ Makes Us Change
Counseling is about helping people to change, but the change we as biblical counselors seek is unique. This session shows how change that will bear God glorifying fruit requires effort on our part and is firmly rooted in the gospel.