It is well known that from the earliest days of their ministry together, Billy Graham and his team made a rule not to be alone with a woman to whom […]
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Tag: church
Interview with Matt Miner at Work Pants Finance
I was recently interviewed by Matt Miner at Work Pants Finance. You can find the interview at the following link.
The Abuse Pendulum, Part Three: Weaponizing Scripture and Weaponizing Victimhood (Eph. 6:17)
A few years ago, I wrote two blogs expressing concern that biblical counselors need to approach the very sensitive and important issue of abuse in a scripturally balanced way. You […]
The Battleship of Abuse
Do you remember playing the game Battleship when you were a kid? You would try to discover where your opponent had stationed his ships on a grid representing the ocean […]
Strategies for Fighting Depression Well
Because of recent events, there has been a lot written about the topic of depression and suicide, much of which has been very critical of churches and biblical counselors. We have a friend […]
Helping People with a Difficult Financial Past
How do we counsel people who can’t make ends meet, have lost their jobs, or are overwhelmed with debt? This session will seek to answer some of the most common […]
Caring in Cases of Adultery
Adultery is something that many of us will have to deal with in one way or another in the church. The gospel gives great hope in these difficult situations. The […]
Caring for the Whole Person: Understanding the Influences of Nature & Nurture in Counseling
To what extent to our body (nature) and relationships (nurture) affect our hearts? This session discusses how God has created humans as complex creatures that exist in a social context. […]
Caring Words or Crushing Words? Helping People Speak Wisely and Graciously
People often do not realize the weight of their words, and careless words have crushed many souls. This workshop will examine biblical categories of caring speech, and how we can […]
Caring for the Abused
Victims of abuse suffer greatly and need help. This session will teach you to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse as well as providing practical instruction on […]